Quick Sort Experiment

A Short Introduction to the Overall Experiment

Prerequisites of the Experiment

This experiment requires you to have basic knowledge about :

  1. The Notion of Sorting
  2. Notion of Time and Space complexity
  • If you are a beginner, no worries! Just go through the Pre-Test Module -> Recap section of this experiment, which helps you understand the above mentioned basic concepts in brief.
  • And above all, you should also have a curiosity to learn and explore!

Overview of the Experiment

  • The aim of this experiment is to understand the Quick Sort algorithm, its time and space complexity, and how it compares against other sorting algorithms.
  • The experiment features a series of modules with video lectures, interactive demonstrations, hands-on practice, exercises and quizzes for self analysis.

Experiment Modules and their Weightage

Module Weightage Expectation
Pre-Test 15% Solve all Questions
Quick Sort 40% Understand the Quick Sort Algorithm
Analysis 30% Understand the Time and Space Complexity
Post Test 15% Solve all Questions